5-4. Areas of Tails of Distributions


The left tail of a density curve y=f(x)y=f(x) of a continuous random variable X cut off by a value xx^* of X is the region under the curve that is to the left of xx^* , as shown by the shading in Figure "Right and Left Tails of a Distribution" (a). The right tail cut off by xx^* is defined similarly, as indicated by the shading in Figure "Right and Left Tails of a Distribution" (b).

1. Tails of the Standard Normal Distribution

At times it is important to be able to solve the kind of problem illustrated by the figure as follows. We have a certain specific area in mind, in this case the area 0.0125 of the shaded region in the figure, and we want to find the value zz^* of ZZ that produces it. This is exactly the reverse of the kind of problems encountered so far. Instead of knowing a value zz^* of ZZ and finding a corresponding area, we know the area and want to find z.z^*. In the case at hand, in the terminology of the definition just above, we wish to find the value zz^* that cuts off a left tail of area 0.0125 in the standard normal distribution.

EXAMPLE 17. Find the value zz^* of ZZ as determined by the above figure: the value zz^* that cuts off a left tail of area 0.0125 in the standard normal distribution. In symbols, find the number zz^* such that P(Z<z)=0.0125.P(Z<z^*)=0.0125.

[ Solution ]


EXAMPLE 18. Find the value zz^*of ZZ as determined by Figure : the value zz^* that cuts off a right tail of area 0.0250 in the standard normal distribution. In symbols, find the number zz^* such that P(Z>z)=0.0250.P(Z>z^*)=0.0250.

[ Solution ]

  • The value of the standard normal random variable ZZ that cuts off a right tail of area c is denoted zcz_c . By symmetry, value of ZZ that cuts off a left tail of area c is zc.−z_c. See the below "The Numbers ".


EXAMPLE 19. Find z.01z_{.01} and z.01−z_{.01} , the values of ZZ that cut off right and left tails of area 0.01 in the standard normal distribution.

[ Solution ]


2. Tails of General Normal Distributions

Suppose XX is a normally distributed random variable with mean μμ and standard deviation σσ . To find the value xx^* of XX that cuts off a left or right tail of area c in the distribution of XX :

  1. find the value zz^* of ZZ that cuts off a left or right tail of area c in the standard normal distribution;

  2. zz^* is the z-score of xx^*; compute xx^* using the destandardization formula x=μ+zσx^*=μ+z^* σ

EXAMPLE 20. Find xx^* such that P(X<x)=0.9332P(X<x*)=0.9332 , where XX is a normal random variable with mean μ=10μ = 10 and standard deviation σ=2.5σ = 2.5 .

[ Solution ]

qnorm(0.9332, mean=10, sd=2.5)

EXAMPLE 21. Find xx^* such that P(X>x)=0.65P(X>x^*)=0.65 , where X is a normal random variable with mean μ=175μ = 175 and standard deviation σ=12σ = 12 .

[ Solution ]

qnorm(1-0.65, mean=175, sd=12)

EXAMPLE 22. Scores on a standardized college entrance examination (CEE) are normally distributed with mean 510 and standard deviation 60. A selective university decides to give serious consideration for admission to applicants whose CEE scores are in the top 5% of all CEE scores. Find the minimum score that meets this criterion for serious consideration for admission.

[ Solution ]

qnorm(1-0.05, mean=510, sd=60)

EXAMPLE 23. All boys at a military school must run a fixed course as fast as they can as part of a physical examination. Finishing times are normally distributed with mean 29 minutes and standard deviation 2 minutes. The middle 75% of all finishing times are classified as “average.” Find the range of times that are average finishing times by this definition.

[ Solution ]

a <- qnorm(0.125, mean=29, sd=2) ; a
b <- qnorm(1-0.125, mean=29, sd=2) ; b

3. Using qnorm() and pnormGC in R

XX~ norm(μ,σ)norm(\mu, \sigma)

1) find zz^* or xx^*

qnorm(p, mean = , sd = )

2) plotting (See 5-3. pnormGC())

pnormGC(p, region= , mean=, sd =, graph = )

EXAMPLE 24. P(Z<z)=0.0125.P(Z<z^*)=0.0125.


EXAMPLE 25. Find xx^* such that P(X<x)=0.9332P(X<x*)=0.9332 , where XX is a normal random variable with mean μ=10μ = 10 and standard deviation σ=2.5σ = 2.5 .

x <- qnorm(0.9332, mean=10, sd=2.5); x <- round(x, 2); x
pnormGC(x, region = "below", mean=10, sd=2.5, graph=TRUE)

密度曲线的尾部 tail of a density curve 一般正态分布 General Normal Distributions

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